Syrian Soldier Martyred In Israeli Drone Attack On Southern Syria

Wednesday 19 June 2024 - 20:18

On June 19, the Israeli army launched a drone attack on two Syrian military bases in the governorates of Quneitra and Daraa, resulting in the martyrdom of a Syrian military personnel named Sharaf Ahmad Abdulkarim in Quneitra.

The attack, which occurred at approximately 07:00 a.m. local time, also caused material damage to the targeted bases.

According to the IWN, the Israeli army drones targeted the military bases in the provinces of Quneitra and Daraa, leading to the loss of life and destruction of military infrastructure. The attack was part of a series of recent incidents involving Israeli military provocations in the region.

The Syrian military has confirmed the details of the attack, stating that the Israeli army drones struck the bases in Quneitra and Daraa, resulting in the martyrdom of one soldier and material damage.

The incident highlights the ongoing tensions between the Israeli regime and Syria, which have been exacerbated by the ongoing conflict in the region.

Sharaf Ahmad Abdulkarim

The Israeli military has not officially commented on the attack, but the incident is likely to further tensions between the two long-time foes. The attack also underscores the ongoing threat posed by Israeli military activities to the security and stability of the region.

The Syrian government has time and again lodged complaints at the United Nations against the Israeli regime over its air strikes which Syria says violates its sovereignty.

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