Ministry Of Defense Of Armenia Denies Arms Purchase From Iran

Thursday 25 July 2024 - 19:01

Aram Torosyan, press secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, described Iran International TV network’s information regarding this Central Asian country’s purchase of weapons from Iran as fabricated and categorically rejected it.

The pro-Zionist TV network Iran International recently claimed in a report that Iran and Armenia have signed a secret arms contract worth $500 million, according to which a variety of suicide, reconnaissance, and combat drones such as the Shahed-136, Shahed-129, Mohajer-6, as well as the defense systems such as the Khordad-3, Majid, Khordad-15, and so on, will be exported to Armenia.

To elaborate this news, it should be noted that the figure of $500 million for the purchase of weapons by Armenia is a large figure and is not small in the size and economic capacity of this country.

Moreover, Armenia’s geographical location and conditions are not suitable for the mentioned weapons, especially defense systems, and from this phony information, it can be understood that agents of the Iran International TV network in conjunction with the Pan-Turkism media outlets in Turkiye and Azerbaijan Republic have propagated false or incomplete reporting mission.

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