The Voice Of Palestine Is Getting Louder In The West

 Damir Nazarov
Author: Damir Nazarov
Monday 29 July 2024 - 10:15

While civil society and party activists in the Arab world have chosen the path of rallies, which, in their opinion, is enough to support Palestine, rapid changes are taking place in Europe.

Paradoxically, but the fact remains that the Hamas operation “Flood of al-Aqsa” (Al-Aqsa Storm) did not awaken the Arab peoples from a flawed sleep, but civil society activists of various ideologies in the United States and Europe.

Students in the United States still remain an influential pro-Palestinian force, while in the EU, in addition to the call from major political parties for the need to decolonize Palestine, resistance groups have emerged whose goal is to stop military support for the Zionists.

Intellectual circles also did not stand aside and there is an example of France, where a local political scientist immediately supported the Palestinians, for which he was subjected to pressure from the Zionist lobby.

Of course, against the background of powerful pro-Palestinian activity, the forces of evil, led by the Zionist lobby, are making a variety of efforts to prevent the truth from being heard. Moreover, we must not forget about the allies of Zionism in the camp of the European bureaucracy, which still supports the genocide of the Palestinians.

In general, we see how the Palestinian issue has become the main topic of discussion in European capitals. Personally, I associate what is happening with the recognition of the fact of the collapse of Zionist imperialism and the willingness to rethink the foreign policy vector.

The collective West, in an attempt to preserve the Zionist colony, got bogged down in the Middle East and had no other choice but to reduce its military presence in the Islamic environment to zero.

Moreover, against the background of what is happening in Ukraine, the leading EU countries, Britain and the United States, due to ideological, economic and geopolitical reasons, simply cannot allow Kiev to defeat, but there is still a frozen conflict in Transnistria, a “crisis of democracy” in Georgia and the last “Soviet stronghold” in the person of Belarus. In all these countries, the influence of the Kremlin looms, and in the long term – China, respectively, the titans of Atlanticism do not want to fight with all at once, and even more so to endlessly risk in the name of a lame horse (Zionism). Therefore, the leading Think-tank of the West decided to gradually move away from the alliance with the right-wing Zionists and immerse themselves in the internal affairs of Europe.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that unfortunately, at the moment there is no partisan activity from the majority of EU Muslims by analogy with British left-wing groups, but there is at least political activity (again, only in Britain and partly in France). Over time, Muslims will show more efforts and even get a chance to enter the European Parliament, so it’s worth thinking about the future now, for example, about developing a common ideology and a mechanism for persecuting Zionists around the globe.

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