Latest Updates on Hajin East of Syria; Heavy Engagements between SDF and ISIS

Islamic World News Analysis Group: From last night until now heavy engagements between SDF and ISIS in Hajin city center.
On the other hand US Coalition is pouring heavy fire from east of Euphrates River in Hajin until Baghuz at Iraq border by artillery and fighters.
According to local sources last night due to Coalition airstrike 15 civilians including women and children are killed and injured in Kashmah village.
ISIS also ordered people to evacuate houses in Hajin due to heavy airstrikes.
Right now engagements are near the hospital and city center.
Photos showing ISIS suicide bomb in Hajin hospital.
In Baghuz axis SDF advanced from Iraqi border to Baghuz Tahtani and could claim some of houses in Baghuz Tahtani.
Heavy engagements in Baghuz between two sides.