USA Evacuating Syria; Do Kurds Understand True Identity of USA?

Yesterday Donald Trump US President said in a tweet that “We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.” So there is no reason to stay in Syria, US soldiers to evacuate Syria.
Although the proclaim that US has defeated ISIS in Syria, it’s like a joke than reality, the purpose of this article is not about Trump’s funny words. The main theme of this article is about Syrian Kurds to be deceived or have been deceived.
At first a protest wave came from US politicians about this decision but after a few hours that some soldiers and vehicles left Syria during the night, it seems Trump is more determined this time.
Withdrawal of US troops from Syria and entering Iraqi territory
In previous times when Trump proclaimed such a decision, strong opposition from inside USA and other issues prevent it from happening.
On the other hand, Syrian Kurds (you read YPG on the east of Euphrates River and other US commanding forces.) while were shocked and dizzy, protested Trump’s decision severely and stated that US evacuating Syria at the moment that Turkey is preparing to attack east of Euphrates and ISIS activities in east of Hajin has not been controlled completely, will be a safe place for terrorists to grow again.
Syrian Kurds say USA has left them alone and stabbed them in back!
Unfortunately Syrian Kurds did not know or did not want to know that USA in general never supports any nation completely and it always leave them alone in crisis based on their exploitation and imperialism identity; US only stays in coalition until they have benefits unless leaves friends.
This policy has been done several times by USA about nations and states of specially west of Asia and understanding it is not a difficult task unless blind!
We have stated this fact numerous times directly or indirectly to Syrian Kurds based on our true intentions, however we were attacked by Pan-kurds every time.
Those who think they are backed by a super power and are going to claim lands and rule it, while they were stabbed a long time ago and were only a pawn soldier to implement US policies.
Now their situation is spectacular…
The coincidence of USA evacuating Syria and Turkey’s operation incipient in east of Euphrates brings up this question that have USA and Turkey agreed in secret? Or does this mean USA is showing green light to Turkey’s operation?
Answering the questions might not be easy based on the facts for now but it is not difficult to understand that leaving an ally just before a battle starts after Erdogan and Trump had a phone call is not accidental.
According to field sources, after the news was released, Turkish Army transported more troops and equipment to Syrian border and Syrian Kurds are feeling the threat of Turks more than any other time and Turkey’s operation in east of Euphrates can start at any time.
On the other hand, today afternoon Syrian Army sent large convoy of soldiers, tanks and equipment from Deir Ezzor to border city of BuKamal.
With US retreat it is more likely that ISIS activities increase and positioning more troops there can increase the safety of the region and even reclaiming the occupied lands of east of Euphrates.
Maybe it is the time for Syrian Army to pass Euphrates and finish the chasing game between US and ISIS and Kurds to cooperate more in the path…
It is noteworthy that US plan of evacuation is also important and every step might have its own consequences, which will be addressed at its own time.
Our suggestion to Syrian Kurds is that collaboration is still possible and they can make a better future for Kurds in northeast of Syria, but if they do not make mistakes this time in choosing right friends and allies!