Trump: Time to Leave Syria!

The delusion of USA supporting Kurds is not limited to this time only. In previous decades this group has been deceived several times and everytime anyone (USA, Europe and Israel) promised them anything, they were betrayed and due to their mistakes they suffered high casualties.
US president ordered American soldiers to leave east and north of Syria last year and then by Israel, John Bolton and Pentagon’s pressure and Europe’s numerous demands and Saudi’s promise to pay the cost, they stayed in the area and now they are leaving again.
Donald Trump had a phone call with Erdogan about the situation in north of Syria and Turkish possible operation in the area with its terrorists. Then he ordered US troops to leave the temporary bases in Tal Abyad and Raas al Ayn. He now believes that this useless war should be ended and soldiers should come back home!
It seems US president, who was unsuccessful in fulfilling his election promises regarding US soldiers pullback from abroad, has now the chance to pose on this pullback and have a better chance in the following election. He mentioned it is business of Europe, Syria, Russia, Kurds and Iranians to deal with it and time for USA to leave the region.
Trump is the same person who in a speech last year told stories about PKK terrorists and their allies and admired Syrian Kurds. In addition he delivered big cargoes of different weapons and ammo which made Kurds to believe that USA is supporting them under any circumstances.
But now Washington ordered its troops to leave border region, since there is no benefit for USA in this war. It was clear from the beginning that USA never supports a militia, whose history is mixed with crimes in Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq against a country which is its ally in NATO.
The delusion of USA supporting Kurds is not limited to this time only. In previous decades this group has been deceived several times and everytime anyone (USA, Europe and Israel) promised them anything, they were betrayed and due to their mistakes they suffered high casualties.
Kurds chiefs are the main source of their misery, maybe the most recent is the independence election in Iraq Kurdistan by Mulla Masoud, which not only resulted in independence but also caused Kirkuk lost which was home to PKK terrorists and their families after USA assault Iraq in 2003.
Another wrong decision was the issue of Afrin, where they were deceived by USA that due to their presence Turkey would not attack it and they did not let Syrian forces be there. Then their most important cultural and demographical center in Syria was occupied by Turkey and their terrorists.
In the last two years, intelligence, security and political officials of Iran, Syria and Russia contacted numerous times with Kurdish officials in Syria and advised them not to be deceived by Americans. However on the day that Kurds needed USA the most, USA emptied their back and with empty promises left them alone confronting Erdogan and his mercenaries.
Evidences show that Kurdish officials did not believe that Turkish army and terrorists are supposed to attack Tal Abyad and Raas al Ayn until 4 days ago, but Americans leaving the watch posts made it obvious to them that this will happen for sure and they contacted numerous times with Damascus.
The content of these calls are not clear but it seems some of Kurdish officials and Manbij Arabs learnt a lesson from Afrin and trying to invite Syrian army and Russian police to block Turkish army and Erdogan’s terrorists.