Bashar Assad Interview with Syrian Media

Saturday 2 November 2019 - 13:03

ISWNews Analysis Group: Syrian President Bashar Assad in an interview with Syrian media Akhbariyah and AlSouriyah talked about recent evolutions of the region and Syria

– Turkey is USA representative in the region and unless they leave Syrian land, we don’t have any options but to fight them.

– Militants in Idlib should go to Turkey otherwise they have two options: to return to the nation and their situation be inspected or Syrian army will fight them.

– Death of Baghdadi was confirmed by ISIS and Syria did not know about USA operation. This is same story as USA and bin Laden.

– People similar to Baghdadi will be produced again and even ISIS might reproduce entirely. ISIS idealogy and using it still exists and the director is USA itself.

– USA operation to kill Baghdadi is only a deceit. USA policy is same as Hollywood, they both use imagination.

– Moscow’s policy is clear but Turkey’s operation showed Turkey’s greed on Syrian soil, what USA wants, too.

– Russia halted Ankara’s avidity by agreement and blocked the road to USA and Germany who were trying to send troops.

– Trump is the best US president, cause he is the most honest. He says we are after Syria’s oil and that’s right. We don’t have the power to confront USA but we resist against any assault.

– Return of the army to these areas means return of Syrian government and offering services.

– Variety of tribes and religions is beautiful and sign of power. The mistake in north of Syria was some Kurds introduced themselves representative of not only Kurds but Arabs as well.

– Erdogan is hypocritical and wants instability. He lies to everyone.

– We, Iranians and Russians are in the same front. We agreed on the date of Idlib operation but the operation postponed due to political and military reasons several times.

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