Lebanon’s Protests Weaken Hazbollah!

Recent protests in Lebanon has roots in many social and economic issues which caused the situation to be difficult. A situation enemy is using to weaken or eliminate Hezbollah.
According to statistics Lebanese government debt has reached 85.5 billion dollar in 2019 and probably reaches 100 billion dollar in the next year. In addition the government low income of 2 billion dollar a year makes it difficult to solve the economic issues. With 40 billion dollar foreign and 45 billion dollar domestic debt to Lebanese banks caused from loans plus the interests made the situation difficult for the government.
The crisis of Lebanon can be studied from several aspects:
1. The government’s heavy debts.(mentioned above)
2. Sanctions on the government: US. and Arab countries due to Lebanon’s relationship with Iran and Hezbollah imposed severe sanctions on the economy and banking system of Lebanon.
3. Syria’s war influence on Lebanon: From the beginning of it till now almost two million refugees entered Lebanon, estimatedly.
4. Lack of export to Syria: Lebanese government stopped exporting to Syria since the war started.
5. Tourism income decreased: 18% of Lebanese government income was from tourism which was blown severely due to security condition of Lebanon.
6. Corruption in politicians and tribe oriented departments.
7. Improper use of oil and gas resources: Lebanon does not have the power to exploit and refine oil and gas and the resources are usually exploited by foreign companies which is not as beneficial for the government. There are discords with Zionist regime on some common oil fields too.
Resignation of Saad Hariri government just made the situation more complicated since the new government takes at least a year to form and if struggles between president, parliament and other issues are added to it, it takes even longer.
On the other hand as leader of Hezbollah said in his speech, media and groups specially in some states of Persian Gulf and Israel are trying to accuse Hezbollah of the situation. Even independent media are deceived and write in their analysis that the protests will ruin Hezbollah’s position in Lebanon.
This is not correct since Hezbollah proved in Syria that has a great military power and has managed its fans in recent protests not to cause engagements and fight in the streets.
Behind the scene movements actually promote this situation in Lebanon. Since the stability in bride of west of Asia is not to their interest.
Stability in Lebanon is achieved only if there is friendly relationship with neighbors including Syria, reforming the government structure, fighting corruption, reforming the banking system, fixing exploiting properly the gas resources, etc. which also requires respecting and collaborating all tribes and parties including Hezbollah.
Considering people’s motto and demand of opposition of technocrat government, media needs to work more to help Hezbollah’s leader.