Latest Updates on Afghanistan, 15 November 2019

Saturday 16 November 2019 - 13:13

Latest news from Afghanistan frontlines and election

1. Faryab:
Chaqmaq area in Pashton Kut town is occupied by Taliban.

2. Exchange of Anas Haqqani and other Taliban prisoners with US. professors is suspended for now.
Taliban prisoners are returned to Bagram airbase.

3. Latest updates on presidential election.
Abdullah Abdullah campaign: We are pioneer in the election. The clean and suspicious votes are registered in the system and need to be splitted. There are 250k invalid votes that should be removed. Recounting without removing invalid suspicious or cheated votes is an endeavor to make votes. We prevent cheating.

4. Takhar:
Assassination of Hakimi, police chief of Warsaj town en route to Baghlan by unknown people.

5. Helmand:
In a car blast in Nade Ali town three martyred and six wounded.

6. Nangarhar:
Last night 18 ISIS members with 24 women and 31 children surrendered to security forces. According to Ministry of Defense, so far 615 ISIS members are surrendered.

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