Latest updates on Afghanistan, 29 December 2019

Monday 30 December 2019 - 12:34

ISWNews Analysis Group: Some sources reported Taliban military council accepted temporary ceasefire during US-Taliban talks.

1. Latest updates on presidential election:
– Abdullah Abdullah: We face a lier and cheating team who turn red when you talk about cheating with them!
– Khalili: We don’t let a government based on cheating to rule on people.
– Hikmatyar: If the government tries to form the government with cheating, people won’t allow by demonstration.

2. Kabul:
Taliban murdering two of radical commanders in Kapisa on Kabul-Parwan road.

3. Takhar:
Taliban attacked a security forces station in Khawjah Bahauddin, 17 “people’s uprising forces” martyred and seven wounded.

4. Daykundi:
Taliban’s attack to security forces stations in Dashte Karizak and Sorme Sang, Nawah district was repelled.

5. Herat:
– Local officials reported of launching a ground-aerial operation “Harirod Storm” to surpass Taliban.
– Cleansing Herat-Islam Qalaah road from Taliban by security forces.
– Security forces cleansed Qoddus Abad from Taliban reign.

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