Mista’arvim; the entangled knot of Palestinian Intifada

Maybe you ask how different Intifadas (Palestinian rebellion against Israel oppression) end in despite of Palestinians’ support and effort?
Several reason can be counted but the main reason or entangled knot of it is the special unit in Israeli Police called Mista’arvim (transformed to Arab).
These units which have different names consist of elite Israeli officers who speak Arabic like Palestinians and live in a specific village to learn their culture and traditions.
Their task is to blend in the Intifada and support them but this is no the end. Each unit which consists of more than two or three officers arrest Palestinians from inside and bring them to an unknown place. Before Israel retreat from Gaza strip in 2004, they were responsible to diffuse, recognize and assassinate leaders of Moghawemat (movement of Palestinians to fight with Israeli forces).
The history of these groups dates back to before establishment of Israel and Haganah paramilitary group is considered to be their start point. According to Israel, these units assassinated 442 Palestinians between 1988 to 2004.
It is worthy to mention that these units do not have an easy task all the time; in 2005 when Palestinians were protesting and gathering near a separation barrier some of these officers could blend in but before action, Palestinians found out and they had to flee. Israel army had to fire and attack Palestinians to rescue their officers.
One method Palestinians use to identify these officers is to be top naked or have only underwear, since these officers must carry pistols, they cannot do this, however this method only works in summer and in winter, it is too cold to be naked, so this problem is still unsolved.
These units were silent for one year and half but by rising the new Intifada, they show up and are acting.
We should wait and see if Mista’arvim unit can extinguish the fire of Intifada by frightening and assassins again?
We will find out soon…
Some examples of arrests performed by Mista’arvim: