Latest Updates on Yemen, 23 April 2020

Thursday 23 April 2020 - 22:00

Latest news from the Marib, Hudaydah and Baydha frontlines

1. The spokesman for the Yemen Armed Forces:
– The number of enemy’s offense and operations from April 17 until now is 25, and during past two weeks is 57.
– The enemy aircraft in the past week performed 253 airstrikes against Ma’rib, Al-Jawf, Al-Baydha provinces, and nearly 500 airstrikes in the past two weeks.

2. Ma’rib
During the offense of Saudi-led coalition on the eastern axis of Al-Jawf crossroad, Ansar Allah lost its control over the hospital and Al-Jufra area. However the Al-Jufra base (north of Al-Jufra) is under the control of Ansar Allah and clashes continue.

3. Al-Hudaydah
The Saudi-led coalition during these past 24 hours violated the cease fire 107 times.

4. Al-Baydha
During the Ansar Allah’s offense against Al-Qaeda positions in Al-Baydha provicne, one of the Al-Qaeda commanders, Hesam Al-Rimi, and some other members were killed.
During the recent offenses of Mansour Hadi forces in Al-Baydha (from three directions: Qaniya, Mukayris, Nati’) Al-Qaeda performed several attacks against Ansar Allah.

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