Saudi Arabia and Turkey relation; from drone to Khashoggi

Author: Mehrab
Sunday 21 March 2021 - 18:07

Erdogan unveiled Saudi Arabia proposal to buy Turkish drone which suggests the new aspects of bilateral relations.

On March 16, Erdogan mentioned Saudi Arabia and Greece military relations and without giving further details conditioned Saudis’ request for new drones to decreasing their relations with Turkey’s traditional enemy, i.e., Greece.

Since this request is said after several years of cold relations due to Khashoggi murder, it is a new chapter in Arabic states and Turkey relations partially due to USA new administration lack of support for the Saudi, inefficient Chinese ammo, etc., in Yemen war and also Saudi coalition recent defeats in Yemen.

If there is an agreement between Erdogan and MBS, other Arabian states such as UAE and Egypt will increase their relations accordingly which causes in Turkey’s economy boom and is necessary for Justice and Development Party (AK Party). Therefore, both sides look at this negotiation as a solution to their domestic and international issues which brings the importance of the relation between Turkey and Saudi Arabia to the next level.

The main topics of Turkey and Saudis talks are:

  1. Contract for selling Turkish drones.
  2. Wrapping up Khashoggi murder case.
  3. Saudi Arabia and Greece relation.
  4. Persuading other countries to increase their relations with Turkey.

And possibly the regional incidents such as Turkey interference in Yemen and confronting the Resistance axis countries.

Nevertheless, Iran’s and Resistance axis’ reaction in diplomacy in Yemen could influence the Saudi-Turkey bilateral relation.

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