Hezbollah Conducts Rocket Attack On Meron Air Surveillance Base In Northern Palestine (Video)

Monday 11 March 2024 - 10:41

On March 10, Lebanon’s resistance movement, Hezbollah targeted the Meron area with dozens of rockets in response to Israel’s airstrike on the Al-Ain area and the killing of several civilians.

According to Israeli media reports, at least 30 rockets were fired in this attack, and defense systems of the Israeli regime’s army only managed to intercept a few of these rockets.

This attack marks the sixth Hezbollah strike into Israeli army positions in Mount Meron and the Meron Air Surveillance Base in the Upper Galilee region of the Israeli-occupied territories. This base plays a significant role in managing, monitoring, and controlling the Israeli regime’s operations in the region, especially in occupied northern Palestine and southern Lebanon.

It is worth mentioning that following the airstrike last night by Israeli fighter jets on the Al-Ain area in the Khirbet Salim neighborhood, five people were wounded and four individuals are missing. Lebanese rescue forces continued evacuating debris and tried to rescue the missing individuals of this attack on Sunday.

Some sources have also reported the deaths of the missing individuals in this attack. Hezbollah officials have emphasized in their speeches and statements that they will respond to Israeli attacks on civilian areas in southern Lebanon.

The moment Hezbollah’s rockets hit Meron base and its surroundings (1)

The moment Hezbollah’s rockets hit Meron base and its surroundings (2)
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