Lebanon: Increasing Protests in Beirut + Video

Saturday 8 August 2020 - 22:02

Following the massive explosion in the port of Beirut and the widespread destruction in the city, certain currents once again started a new wave of protests and street riots in Beirut with a new line and using of the critical situation in Beirut.

A new wave of protests erupted in Beirut, as the city is still in shock of explosions and its aftermath, and security agencies are investigating and gathering documents to report on the cause of the Beirut tragedy. But the chaotic currents did not even spare the tragedy of the Beirut explosions, and by riding on the wave of popular demands, they have started a new phase of dangerous developments in Lebanon.

Today, during the protests, government buildings, including the Ministry of Energy and Economy, were set on fire by protesters, and the Foreign Ministry building was seized by protesters.
A security guard was also shot dead by unidentified gunmen. According to Lebanese sources, 238 protesters were injured during the protests over the past two days.

On the other hand, Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab spoke in his last statement after the recent events about holding early elections.
He said” “Only with early parliamentary elections can we get out of the structural crisis. I will be in charge of the government for another two months, during which time the political currents will have to agree on a way out of the recent crisis.”
Regarding the Beirut explosions, Hassan Diab said: “The perpetrators of the Beirut explosions will be tried and punished. Corruption and mismanagement led Lebanon to the disaster of the port of Beirut. Lebanon is facing a catastrophe beyond its capabilities.”

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