Latest Updates on Yemen, 21 August 2020

Friday 21 August 2020 - 22:52

ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah liberated the areas of Aqaba Mahlal, Aba al-Jashish and Koleh Hazah from the control of the Saudi coalition. Currently, the conflict continues in Murad Mountain and Al-Ghabib.

1- “Sayyid Abdul Malik Badreddin Al-Houthi” Leader of Ansar Allah:
” – The relationship between the UAE and the Zionist regime is nothing new, and in this alliance they are participating with the Saudis and Bahrain and the Sudanese military.
– Some ISIS and al-Qaeda leaders were killed in recent military operations. In al-Baydha, American planes and bombs came to the aid of ISIS and al-Qaeda.

2- Marib:
– Abu al-Walid al-Adni, the leader of ISIS in so-called “Wilayat Qifah” in the Qifah district was killed by Ansar Allah.
– Ansar Allah liberated the areas of Aqaba Mahlal, Aba al-Jashish and Koleh Hazah from the control of the Saudi coalition. Currently, the conflict continues in Murad Mountain and Al-Ghabib.
– Saudi-led coalition warplanes bombed Sarwah 15 times and Majzar 6 times.

3- Mohammad Al-Bukhaiti announced the return of “Ali Majrash”, the colonel of the Sixth Brigade of Mansour Hadi’s forces, and “Ali Al-Jama’i”, the commander of the security battalion, along with 12 other members of Mansour Hadi’s forces.

4- Al-Hudaydah:
Saudi-led coalition forces have violated ceasefire regime 102 times in the province in the past 24 hours.

5- Al-Jawf:
– Continuation of Ansar Allah attacks towards Al-Rayan and Al-Ruwaik.
– Saudi-led coalition warplanes bombed Khab and Al-Shaaf district 11 times and the Al-Hazm district 2 times.

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