Latest Updates on Karabakh Clashes, 2 October 2020

Friday 2 October 2020 - 23:09

ISWNews Analysis Group: The forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan have reached the village of Mataghis in the province of Martakert, Azerbaijani sources claimed.

– The Armenian Parliament called on the non-Turkish ethnic groups of the Republic of Azerbaijan not to follow the pan-Turkic policy of the government of this country. During the first days of the war, the Republic of Azerbaijan used non-Turkish ethnic groups such as the Tatars in the attacks, which shows that there is a kind of ethnic policy to send to the fronts.

– The US Department of Defense confirmed the deployment of Syrian militant mercenaries to the Republic of Azerbaijan by Turkey.

– The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported that 28 Syrian militants were killed in the clashes in Karabakh.

– Turkey has closed its airspace to Iran since yesterday and does not allow Iranian planes to pass.
It is said that this action was taken after a Turkish drone invaded Iran’s skies in the border of Aslandooz and was shot down by the Iran air defense system. This drone intended to enter the airspace of the occupied territories along the Aras border lines by crossing Iran’s airspace and practically dragging Iran into the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

– The forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan have reached the village of Mataghis in the province of Martakert (Agh Darreh).
An AzTV reporter claimed that the Azerbaijan forces captured the village. However, the village is under Armenian control and has not yet been captured.

– On October 2, 20 mortars hit Qara Qabaq village, Aslanduz district, Ardabil province, on the south bank of the Aras river and scared the inhabitants. Some left their homes.
According to ISWNews Analysis Group, the mortars hit the area near Mil Mughan-Horadiz dam, considering the Azerbaijan sovereignty over this point, the mortars fired from Armenia. Mil Mughan dam and the upper hand areas after fall of Fuzuli area in 1993 and 1994 was a passage for Azerbaijani refugees to come to Iran.

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