AnsarAllah released Information of attack on Wadiah crossing

Friday 25 June 2021 - 11:36

ISWNews Analysis Group: Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya al-Sari’ revealed the details of Ansar Allah drone operation against Saudi coalition positions at the Al-Wadi’ah border crossing.

The Brigadier General Yahya al-Sari’: “The Army Air Force was able to carry out a large-scale military operation against the Saudi-American coalition training camp in the Al-Wadi’ah area, using 10 Qassef 2K drones. In this attack, the command center, training areas and different parts of the camp were targeted. In addition to killing a number of Saudi officers, the operation killed and wounded more than 60 coalition mercenaries. The operation took place over the past two days, and video footage of it will be released, God willing.”

P.S: Despite the statements of the spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces, in the last two days, there has been no news about the Ansar Allah drone attack on Al-Wadi’ah, and this attack is probably related to the June 19 operation.

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