US airstrikes on resistance positions in al-Qaim area + video

Monday 28 June 2021 - 10:00

ISWNews Analysis Group: Early on June 27, the US warplanes bombed resistance positions 15 kilometers south of al-Qaim in Iraq, as well as another location south of Bukmal, Syria, near the al-Qaim border.

According to available information, the airstrikes included four attacks on Kataib Hezbollah and Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada positions in the Qasabat area, 15 km south of the al-Qaim crossing, as well as two other border points on Syrian territory south of Bukmal, killing four members of the resistance and wounding several others.

The US also issued a statement confirming the attacks, calling them a response to attacks by Iraqi resistance groups on its convoys and bases in Iraq. The United States claimed that the operation targeted a facility used by Iran-backed militia groups for operations, planning, and storage of unmanned aerial vehicles.

According to information provided by the United States, the attacks were carried out by F-16CM and F-15E warplanes.

It is worth mentioning that yesterday, the suspicious movements of a US ‘McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender’ refueling tanker aircraft over the attacked area were monitored and reported by the ISWNews.

A US McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender refueling aircraft over the southern border town of al-Qaim in Iraq

Earlier, on February 25, American F-15 warplanes fired seven missiles at resistance positions near the Bukmal crossing. The attack was also ordered by Biden. This is the second attack by US forces on resistance positions since Biden took office.

Video released by the US regarding attacks on south of al-Qaim

Video released by the US regarding attacks on south of Bukamal

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