Latest updates on ‌Baydha and Abyan fronts, 2 July 2021

Saturday 3 July 2021 - 09:45

ISWNews Analysis Group: Saudi-led forces attacked Ansar Allah positions in Sawma’ah district with help of Al Qaeda terrorists.

Saudi-led forces and Al Qaeda terrorists attacks intensified in Sawma’ah axis, east of Baydha, from the July 2nd morning and several of heights surrounding Sawma’ah road are occupied by Saudi coalition. Media of the coalition claim to occupy Sawma’ah road entirely which is not correct.
Ansar Allah deployed reinforcement from ‌Baydha to Dhamra and Al Thuraya Al Mayfa’a areas and the conflict still continues.

In Lodar district, Abyan province, after Khader Mohammed Abdullah Homsan rebellion from giving the command of security forces in Lodar town to Jaafar Abdullah Saleh Haidara Al-Khela, who was assigned by the state department of Mansoor Hadi’s resigned government, Mansoor Hadi’s forces besieged the town. South of Yemen transition council supported Khader Homsan and deployed Hizam al-Amni forces and from some tribes troops to Lodar. The engagement continues around the town and Mansoor Hadi’s troops could not occupy Lodar yet.

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