STC Plans To Conduct Military Operations In Yemen’s Abyan

Tuesday 21 February 2023 - 17:56

ISWNews Analysis Group – Following the increase of threats by pro-Saudi tribes as well as al-Qaeda terrorist group against the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Abyan Governorate, the STC militants intend to kick off military operations in Mudiyah district and other districts of the governorate.

After the advances by pro-Saudi tribes in eastern Mudiyah, the STC militants embarked on pounding areas of the village. As a result of the attacks, some houses belonging to the Al-Baqtian tribe in Al-Jannan village were destroyed.

The Al-Baqtian tribe called on other tribes to assist it and urged militants of Abyan tribes to mobilize in a bid to expel the STC militants from the governorate.

The move caused great concern among the STC militants and their commanders dispatched four battalions from Aden city to Mudiyah. According to local sources, the STC is sending the forces to initiate an operation against al-Qaeda as well as pro-Saudi Arabia tribes in northern areas of Abyan Governorate.

Given the current developments in southern Yemen and the increase of tension between the STC and the Saudi-led forces, there would be perhaps heavy clashes between the two sides in southern Yemen especially in Abyan Governorate.

Read more: Abyan Tribes Attacks The Southern Transitional Council Strongholds

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