Clashes In Aden And Abyan; STC President Banned From Entering Aden

Thursday 2 March 2023 - 09:26

ISWNews Analysis Group – Saudi Arabia refuses to allow President of the Southern Transitional Council Major General Aidarus al-Zoubaidi to enter the southern Yemeni city of Aden.

Since September 2022 the Southern Transitional Council president has not been able to enter the city; although, the STC militants have refused to hand over their military bases in that area.

These developments could cause fierce skirmishes between the Southern Transitional Council and the Saudi-led coalition forces, but they refuted such a confrontation because of being scared of losing the conflict. Of course, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) played a role and due to the fact that the door of negotiations is still open, fierce fighting did not occur in the southern Yemen.

Meanwhile, the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, frequently called al-Islah Party welcomed a decision by Yemeni politician serving as the chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Rashad Muhammad al-Alimi to remove members of the Southern Transitional Council from positions of the resigned government.

Simultaneous with the tensions between the Islah Party and the Southern Transitional Council, the Islah Party’s leader Salah Batis expressed readiness to take part in clashes erupting in southern city of Aden on February 26.

On February 22, the Southern Transitional Council recalled four brigades of its militants from Ahwar town in south central Yemen and dispatched them to Mudiyah village in northern Abyan Governorate as a result of tensions between the STC and the Saudi-led coalition.

Mudiyah tribes continued advancing in Umran Wadi region and captured some checkpoints on February 26.

In Aden, the Saudi-led forces and the Al-Dara Al-Watan militants reacted to the arbitrary withdrawal of Prime Minister of Yemen’s resigned government Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed from Aden to Cairo, Egyptian capital, they sealed his residence and avoided the entry of staff and ministers to Al-Maashiq Palace, and even issued unlimited time off for them. These acts by the Saudis can be seen as their reaction to the STC’s threats to sack and expel pro-Saudi forces from southern provinces of Yemen as well as hand over fronts in southern areas to the Ansar Allah movement.

The Southern Transitional Council militants gathered in streets of Crater district of the Aden Governorate and blocked the entrance of the area in response to the Saudi-led coalition’s measures. Furthermore, a convoy of vehicles carrying Governor of Aden Governorate Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, who is a member of the Southern Transitional Council, was raided by unknown armed people in Crater district on February 26. The governor of Aden survived the assassination attempt, while two of his security guards were injured.

Read more:
Murad Tribe Trapped Into Aden Conflict
Latest Reports Of Clashes In Aden; STC Not To Surrender To Saudi Arabia

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