Three Armenian soldiers killed at Kalbajar border

Thursday 29 July 2021 - 21:56

ISWNews Analysis Group: Due to border conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia Armies at border of Gegharkunik and Kalbajar provinces, three Armenian soldiers were killed.

Both sides media reported of heavy border conflicts on Wednesday 28 July. Two neighbors accuse each other of intensifying the tensions. The conflict enters the fifth day.

Armenia DM claims that three soldiers killed due to shooting and artillery shelling of Azerbaijan and four wounded. They also claim Azerbaijan army entered Armenia soil in two points in Gegharkunik province.

Azerbaijan DM issued a statement on Wednesday that Armenia shot on Azerbaijan positions using mortars and tanks. According to Azerbaijan DM two soldiers wounded by Armenia bullets.

Independent sources confirmed that Azerbaijan used guided artillery shells and Turkish built Bayraktar drones.

Most of the conflict occured near Vardenis town in Gegharkunik province of Armenia and near borer with Kalbajar province of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan calls Vardenis town as Basarkeçər which is part of Azeri inhabited of Yeraz people.

It is noteworthy that in the last two years of Soviet time, Azeri inhabitants of the area were migrated to Azerbaijan due to racial segregation of Armenia in 1988.

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