Ahmad Massoud forces attacks Taliban position in Baghlan

Thursday 23 December 2021 - 19:10

ISWNews Analysis Group: Due to attacks of forces loyal to Ahmad Massoud on Taliban station in Baghlan, eight Taliban militants wounded and killed.

According to media close to Ahmad Massoud, on December 20, due to attacks of forces loyal to Ahmad Massoud on Taliban station in Kaftar Khanah area of Baghlan, four Taliban militants killed and four wounded.

Taliban retreated from Kaftar Khanah station after the attack.

On the other hand, Sibghatullah Ahmadi, spokesperson of National Resistance Front (Ahmad Massoud forces), reported of another attack on Taliban station in Shabashak area of Badghis province. No details of the casualties yet.

After Taliban removed the border fences of Polusi area of Laalpour district in Nangarhar province, there was a short conflict with Pakistan border patrol with no casualties.

Mawlawi Mohammad Bashir, head of Taliban intelligence in Pakistan’s Nangarhar, threatens Pakistan to a war and talked about reclaiming Polusi area. He said Ashraf Ghani donated the land to Pakistan and Taliban reclaimed it today.

The border tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan happens while thousands of Pakistani Taliban militants are in Afghanistan. Taliban believes there are between 5-10 thousand of them.

Read more:
Ahmad Massoud forces clash with the Taliban in Kapisa province
Ahmad Massoud: I call on all Afghans to join the Panjshir resistance!
Ahmad Massoud forces attacks Taliban position in Baghlan and Panjshir

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