IRGC Naval Exercises In The Persian Gulf + Video

ISWNews Analysis Group – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) held naval drills of Martyr General Nasrallah Shafi’i in the provinces of Hormozgan and Bushehr and on the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf.
The military drills of Martyr General Nasrullah Shafi’i was held in order to pave the ground for estimating the abilities and preparedness of the Navy of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution in the face of threats in the Persian Gulf.
According to Commander of the IRGC Navy Rear Admiral Ali-Reza Tangsiri, the drills composed of the marine cruise missile systems of various classes; bomber and spotting drones capable of hitting multiple and simultaneous targets; unmanned intelligent subsurface systems; helicopter rocket firing, special rangers’ heliborne in moving and floating positions; the authoritative parade of the popular naval mobilization; and other defense power of the IRGC Navy, which showed completely appropriate performances.
In the video above, the operation of Mohajer-6, Ababil-2, Ababil-3, Samad-3 (Shahed x) drones and Noor, Zafar, Noor and Ghadir anti-ship missiles and other missile systems and indigenous military equipment are shown.
Admiral Tangsiri said that the diversity and large-scale firing and explosions in the coastal areas of Farsi Island to display powerful defense, the use of smart subsurface arms to strike and destroy the foe’s naval and coastal bases and facilities, the broad organization and usage of the Orange Force of the hypothetical enemy in the range of the real foe have been among other programs of the military drills, which have been implemented appropriately.
The military exercise and other drills of Iran’s armed forces are being carrid out consistent with the plan to maintain preparedness of the land, sea and air forces of the army and IRGC to encounter external threats in various regions of the Islamic state, including the Persian Gulf’s waters, the Sea of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz.
