UAE Forces Yemeni Residents To Leave Abd al Kuri Island

Friday 24 February 2023 - 09:48

ISWNews Analysis Group – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has carried out the operation of forced expulsion of the Yemeni residents of Abd al Kuri Island in southern Yemen aimed at militarizing the isle.

According to local sources in the island, the UAE forces expelled all residents of Abd al Kuri Island and relocated the Yemeni people in the Socotra Archipelago over the last two days. The UAE had earlier constructed some towns in Socotra and suggested the relocation of the residents of Abd al Kuri Island in the archipelago, but most residents ruled out the proposal.

The relocation occurred simultaneous with the set-up of a joint military base of the UAE, the US and Israel in Abd al Kuri Island. The UAE resorts to the assistance of ultra-regional players such as the US and the Zionist regime in order to pursue a broaden plan to militarize islands and coasts of Yemen in a bid to control maritime transportation in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.

The Socotra Archipelago consists of the coral islands of Socotra, Abd al Kuri, Samaha, Darsa and numerous smaller islands, encompassing a total area of 3,625 square kilometers. The islands are 340 km far from the coasts of Yemen and 250km away from Somalia’s coasts. The islands of Samaha and Darsa are also recognized as brother islands.

The Socotra Archipelago with more than 50,000 populations plays a key role in controlling the Gulf of Aden, and it had been applied by colonial powers (British and Portuguese colonialists) as a military and maritime base. Thus, the UAE spends a great amount of money to dominate the islands especially Socotra and Abd al Kuri.

The Ministry of Fisheries in the National Salvation Government of Yemen issued a statement, condemned the forced displacement of fishers and residents of Abd al Kuri Island, and described the attempt to turn the island into a military base by the UAE as a plot in line with the Zionists’ demands.

The ministry noted that the Abd al Kuri Island, which is located 120 kilometers far from Socotra Island, is of geostrategic importance, because it is located near six oil-rich areas as well as the Horn of Africa. It also held accountable the UN Security Council for the escalation of tension in the island, calling for withdrawal of the Saudi-led forces from all lands, islands and coasts of Yemen.

The UAE’s occupation, change of use and the destruction of natural resources of the Socotra Archipelago is real violation of Yemen’s territorial integrity. If peace negotiations with the mediation of Oman and the UN fail, the Ansar Allah movement can target the UAE positions in the islands and coasts of Yemen.

Read more: Where is the Yemen war heading? Part 2

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