Socotra - Islamic World News

Thursday 4 April 2024 - 20:56

Ansar Allah Expands Military Operations In Indian Ocean; US, Israel Occupy Yemen’s Islands

Following the escalation of tension and expansion of naval operations by the Yemeni Armed Forces in the Indian Ocean, the US Army is also resorting to actions in order to repel the Ansar Allah movement’s missile and drone attacks and minimize the Yemeni group’s success. To this end, gaining control of the southern islands of Yemen seems to be the best solution to counter the Ansar Allah movement’s anti-Israeli operations.

Saturday 23 December 2023 - 10:30

Israeli Military Advisors Arrive In Socotra Island On UAE Plane

According to local media reports, a group of Israeli officers entered the Socotra Island in southern Yemen as part of a joint plan between the Israeli regime, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia to protect Israeli shipping in Yemeni waters.

Friday 3 March 2023 - 17:20

Yemen: Saudi Coup To Regain Control Of Socotra

ISWNews Analysis Group – Saudi Arabia sent the former governor of Socotra to this island and started the process of taking control of Socotra from the STC and UAE by deploying forces in a military base in the island.

Friday 24 February 2023 - 09:48

UAE Forces Yemeni Residents To Leave Abd al Kuri Island

ISWNews Analysis Group – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has carried out the operation of forced expulsion of the Yemeni residents of Abd al Kuri Island in southern Yemen aimed at militarizing the isle.

Sunday 25 September 2022 - 07:49

Latest Updates on Yemen, 25 September 2022

ISWNews Analysis Group: The Saudi military along with the US and Israeli advisors ousted the Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces from the Socotra Airport and took control of it.

Sunday 30 August 2020 - 20:05

Israel establishes spy base in Yemen!

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to Yemeni media, the Israeli regime, with the help of UAE, intends to establish a spy base on the island of Socotra off the southern coast of Yemen.

Tuesday 23 June 2020 - 08:19

Latest Updates on Yemen, 22 June 2020

ISWNews Analysis Group: The Southern Transitional Council (STC) agreed with Saudi Arabia proposed ceasefire in southern Yemen and Socotra island.

Sunday 3 November 2019 - 19:29

Tension and Protests in Socotra

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the invitation by South of Yemen Transition Council and resigned government of Mansour Hadi, supporters of UAE and Mansoor Hadi in Socotra island came to the streets and marched.