Ansar Allah’s Drone Attack On Pro-Hadi Forces Gathering In Western Taiz (Map)

Monday 10 July 2023 - 07:27

Ansar Allah movement’s drone attack on a gatherings of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi former president of Yemen’s resigned government forces on the western front of Taiz city caused several militia members killed and injured.

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to the command center of the pro-Hadi forces in Taiz Governorate, two Ansar Allah drones pounded the gathering in the Al-Dhabab area on Saturday, July 8.

As a result of the attack, two militants affiliated to the resigned government, including Omar Abdullah Al-Sabri, commander of the western front of Taiz, were killed and at least seven others were injured.

Some local media outlets also reported that the location of the gathering of the resigned government forces was identified on Mount Han, which is on the front line of engagements between the pro-Hadi forces and the Ansar Allah fighters and it is the origin of many mortar attacks against the Ansar Allah movements.

Thus, it is likely that Ansar Allah fighters carried out the attacks in response to repeated violations of the ongoing ceasefire by the resigned government forces on the Taiz front.

However, the Ansar Allah-affiliated media outlets and officials have not yet reacted to the news story.

The Taiz city is currently under the control of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform or frequently called as al-Islah Party forces and Tareq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh, Yemeni military commander and the nephew of the late President Ali Abdullah Saleh, as well as some independent armed groups.

The pro-Hadi resigned government forces claim that the Ansar Allah movement besieged the Taiz city during the past eight years and it does not allow humanitarian aid to pass through the northern road.

They propagate the claim while the western road and southern areas of Taiz Governorate are under the control of al-Islah Party militants as well as Tareq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh’s forces, and internal tensions between such groups have limited access to the Taiz city.

In spite of the facts, the Ansar Allah movement repeatedly voluntarily reopened the Sana’a-Taiz road, but al-Islah Party’s militants prevented non-military vehicles from entering the Taiz city.

Map: Direction of Ansar Allah drone attack on the gathering of Hadi forces in the west of Taiz – click to view in full size
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