Latest Updates On Bani Suheila Area in The East Of Khan Yunis (Map)

Wednesday 6 December 2023 - 17:26

Clashes continue in Bani Suheila area in the east of Khan Yunis. The Israeli regime forces spent a difficult night around al-Alam square in Bani Suheila! Israeli tanks and forces are still trying to stabilize their positions around al-Alam square.

This morning, al-Quds Brigades announced that they targeted the Israeli special forces who were planning to advance near al-Dhilal mosque using anti-personnel ammunition.

Also this morning, the Zionist regime army targeted the refugees who had taken refuge in Malak school near Bani Suheila square with smoke grenades. This shows that Israeli forces are approaching Bani Suheila square.

In south of Bani Suheila and Absan area, according to the field information that was reported yesterday and today, Israeli tanks have surrounded al-Awda school and reached the southern road of Bani Suheila.

Israeli regime advance south of Bani Suheila – click to view full size

Currently, heavy clashes are ongoing in all frontlines of this axis in Absan, Al-Nazla, Bani Suheila, al-Satr and al-Qarara areas. Also, like the previous operations, after each stage of advancing in the mentioned areas, the Israeli regime uses bulldozers to destroy the area and create trenches and positions for the deployment of tanks and equipment.

Interactive map of Khan Yunis

Military situation in Bani Suheila area of Khan Yunis – click to view in full size
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