Jordan Carries Out Airstrike On Southern Syria For 2nd Consecutive Time In Past Week!

Tuesday 9 January 2024 - 20:37

Jordanian army’s fighter jets targeted positions in the Al-Shaab, Arman, and Melh areas located in the as-Suwayda Governorate in southern Syria.

It is reported that as a result of this attack, three individuals, including a drug smuggler, were killed. Further details have not been disclosed regarding this matter. This is the second airstrike by the Jordanian army in southern Syria in the past week. Before the airstrike, positions in southern Syria were targeted by the Jordanian fighter jets on January 5.

Prior to this attack, a military source in the Central Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) had announced that the army of this Arab country has been engaged in armed clashes with large groups of smugglers on the northern borders since early Saturday morning.

Under the pretext of fighting drug smugglers, the Jordanian army carried out attacks on positions in southern Syria over the course of recent months, resulting in the loss of several civilians and injuries to dozens of others.

Media outlets, which are involved in advocating terrorist groups and supported by the Western states, present these groups as connected to the Syrian government and the Resistance, but so far, they have not provided credible evidence to prove their claims concerning the existence of any connection between these groups and the Syrian government.

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