Hamas Has Already Surrounded The Zionists

 Damir Nazarov
Author: Damir Nazarov
Monday 19 February 2024 - 12:40

It seems that the main terrorist of the planet, Netanyahu, has not been able to recover from the blow on October 7. Instead of admitting his failure, the BBC embarked on a losing gamble by launching an intervention in the Gaza Strip. As a result, the Zionists have disabled more than half of their “best tanks”, the myth of the Merkava has been dispelled again, and the Zionists are content to reactivate their old equipment, which becomes easy prey for the Palestinian resistance.

After Bibi realized that the “flood of al-Aqsa” was his political end, the prime minister of the “temporary entity”* decided to take revenge by total bombing of the civilian population of the blockaded Sector. Knowing full well that Hamas, with its million-strong support among Palestinians, is too tough for the IDF, Democrats in America will be against any military adventures from the right-wing Zionists, and regional allies of the Zionist colony will condemn Bibi’s actions, the ruling cabinet of Tel Aviv nevertheless decided to commit genocide and stake out a place in the dock in The Hague.

In this regard, the words of the terrorist Bibi look ridiculous, that allegedly in the future Gaza “there will be no Hamastan and Fatahstan.” Nevertheless, the facts suggest the opposite, Hamas has not just gained a foothold in the minds of the Gaza Strip and the Palestinians as a whole.

Today, Hamas has practically surrounded the Zionist colony. From Lebanon, representatives of the local al-Qassam Brigade periodically conduct guerrilla attacks against the enemy, Zionist mortar attacks are observed from Syria, and in Jordan, despite the arrests of Hamas supporters, Abu Ubayda and Muhammad Deif have become national heroes.

There remains Egypt, where the military junta rules, but even in the current conditions, this moment does not overshadow the major regional success of the leading Palestinian resistance movement.

Today, thanks to the heroism of the fighters of the al-Qassam Brigade on the one hand and the diplomacy of the IRGC on the other, Hamas is present in all countries of the Axis of Resistance bloc.

Moreover, the success of the Islamic Resistance Movement in its operation on October seventh caused solidarity among representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood community.

Thus, the Secretary General of the Islamic Party of Iraq, Rashid al-Azawi, expressed his readiness to “create a military wing and go to Palestine.” Further, the Movement of the Society for Peace in Algeria called for the formation of an “international coalition” of countries supporting the resistance in Palestine in order to stop the war in the Gaza Strip and provide assistance to the residents of the sector.

So, it can be summed up that Hamas has become the brand of the Palestinians, regardless of their location. Today, the leading Palestinian party sets ambitious goals for itself and forms a nationwide strategy of resistance. On the international stage, Hamas has been able to revive what is called “Ikhwan solidarity.” Now, in addition to the traditional pro-Iranian Shiite component, the number of allies of the Palestinian resistance has increased due to the activity of a number of Sunni parties in some Arab countries. Hamas has become a symbol of a new Islamic awakening, and the Palestinian issue has once again become on the agenda of international politics in the Middle East.

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