Israel Censors Damages Of Iranian Strikes On Its Intelligence Base In Northern Golan?!

Monday 15 April 2024 - 19:51

According to Israeli sources, the heaviest damage that was inflicted on the Israeli regime during Iran’s retaliatory attack last night is related to the missile attack on the secret intelligence base in the north of the occupied Golan Heights located in Mount Hermon.

The importance and sensitivity of this place is such that the Israeli army imposed a complete media ban for this area and everything is censored and no damage assessment and public announcement is allowed.

According to ‘Islamic World News’ field information from Syria, during Iran’s retaliatory attacks against the Zionist regime, Syrian air defense systems were on full alert; And when the Iranian projectiles were passing through the Syrian sky, they were activated and countered with a number of Israeli interceptor missiles that were fired to shot down the Iranian projectiles. In fact, the Syrian government, unlike the traitorous government of Jordan, did not allow Israeli warplanes and interceptor missiles to operate in the sky of its country.

It is worth mentioning that on the night of the attack, Hezbollah’s artillery also targeted areas in the occupied Golan in a certain hour. All these evidences, along with Major General Bagheri’s remarks, strengthen the possibility that the Zionist regime’s intelligence base in the north of the occupied Golan Heights has been targeted.

It should be noted that this intelligence base played a role in the recent Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus, and in general, in recent years, it has played a very important and prominent role in intelligence operations against Syria and Iran.

The location of the intelligence and espionage base of the Israeli regime in the occupied Golan Heights
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