Indian Fighters Attacking North of Pakistan

Tuesday 26 February 2019 - 12:00

Islamic World News Analysis Group: Last night Indian Airforce fighters attacked Jaish Muhammad group positions in Balakut area Jammu and Kashmir-Pakistan border.

It is said that there are two regions under the name “Balakut”; one is a the border which is empty of Jaish Muhammad group and the second one is deep inside Pakistan. It is unclear that which one of the regions were attacked by Indian Airforce.


Indian officials considered their air raids preventing suicide attacks in future.


Pakistan Foreign Minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, in response to the attacks said: “People need not to be concerned as defendants of the country are ready and will answer any adventure.”
Pakistani Army Spokesperson emphasizing on answering India’s attacks and airspace violation, reported Indian fighters fled once Pakistani alert fighters flew.


Jaish Muhammad group took responsibility of the recent suicidal attack in Jammu and Kashmir which resulted in death and injury of more than 44 Indian soldiers.
This group following Jihadi and Salafi idealogies along with Lashkar Taibah and Sepah Sahabah have anti-India and anti-USA trends demanding dependance of Kashmir.

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