Zionist Regime Fighters Attacked Hashad Sha’abi Base in Iraq

Tuesday 30 July 2019 - 16:33

Almost 10 days ago one of Hashad Sha’abi’s(PMU) bases in Amerli region was attacked by unknown fighters and several of Resistance forces were martyred and injured.

It was said first that they were performed by drones but Israeli media yesterday claimed that Israeli regime attacked the base using F-35 fighters. Iraq rejected the claim earlier. As usual Israel proclaimed the base was used as a mean to send Iranian weapons to Syria and Lebanon.
According to ISWNews sources, due to this attack to Al Shohada base in Amerli region, one Iranian forces (AbulFadhl Sarabiyan) and several of Hashad Sha’abi forces martyred.
There is no reaction from Iranian or Iraqi authorities so far.
Israel’s attack to Iraq’s soil happened while the last attack was 38 years ago. It is expected that Resistance answers to this attack firmly to prevent Israel from attacking Resistance bases more, since Israel only understands the force language!

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