Latest updates about Beit Jinn siege in southern Damascus

Islamic World News Analysis Group reports that Syrian army by taking Tal Bard`aya gained firecontrol on the logistic road of insurgents in Beit Jinn pockect
In the last few weeks, Syrian army could advance incremental and Tahrir Al Sham terrorists attacked heavily with help of Israel in Beit Jinn and Hader regions.
After defending against these attacks, Syrian army recaptured all the lost regions and along with their advances, they took over Tal Bard`aya and Tal Shihab.
Tal Bard1aya is important since it overhangs the logistic road for terrorists in siege and divides the region into two halves. Having this important point specially after the terrorists in the region denied any reconciliation is necessary, since it forces them to negotiate again but this time with emptier hands..