Map: The unexpected advance of the Syrian Army in southern Idlib, Jarjanaz liberated!

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the Syrian Army advances in the southern Idlib province, the important towns of Jarjanaz, Al-Ghaddafah, Abu-Makki, Abu-Dafnah, and Al-Surman liberated from the occupation of Tahrir al-Sham and its allies.
With the advances made, the Turkish observation post south of Surman completely besieged by the Syrian Army. This is Turkey’s second observation post in the Idlib province, which is under siege by the Syrian Army. However, Turkish troops are still present at these two posts…
On the other hand, with the rapid advance of the Syrian Army towards the city of Ma’arrat al-Nu’man, Tahrir al-Sham and the so-called Syrian National Army(SNA) militants issued a statement, calling public for the defense of the city of Ma’arrat al-Nu’man and preventing the advance of the Syrian Army.
It should be noted that with the liberation of Jarjanaz, the Syrian Army is only 7 kilometers away from the important and strategic city of Ma’arrat al-Nu’man.
