Latest updates on Kashmir 8 June 2020

Tuesday 9 June 2020 - 07:42

Latest news of clashes between Indian Army and Kashmiri groups

1. Due to engagement between Indian soldiers and Kashmiri militia in Shopian town, south of Srinagar, nine militia and four Indian soldiers were killed.
Indian police announced the killed militia members of Hizbul Mujahideen. (images)

2. Police reported of killing a commander of a militant group in Anantnag town, southeast of Srinagar.

3. Since beginning of 2020 so far 94 inhabitants of Jamu and Kashmir were killed by Indian soldiers, from which 32 were militants and 19 civilians.

4. Indian warplanes flight sorties increased over Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir.

5. Kashmiri militia threw grenades toward Indian soldiers station in Rajpora area, Pulwama. Police didn’t release the details of possible casualties.

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