New attack of Azerbaijan on the last remaining Armenian forces in the south of Shusha (Map Update)

Sunday 13 December 2020 - 18:24

ISWNews Analysis Group: Azerbaijani army forces attacked Armenian positions in the Hin Taglar (Kuhna Taghlar) in Nagorno-Karabakh and took control of the area.

In the last 24 hours, the Azerbaijani forces attacked the positions of the Armenian forces in the areas of Hin Taglar and Khtsaberd (Caylaqqala) and managed to take control of the village of Hin Taglar, but after several hours of fighting and Russian intervention, these clashes have now stopped.

This is the first ceasefire violation in Nagorno-Karabakh since the Azerbaijan-Armenia peace agreement.

According to the information provided by Azerbaijan, 4 Azerbaijani soldiers lost their lives and 2 others were wounded as a result of these clashes. Six Armenian troops were also wounded in the fighting. At least three Armenian troops are said to have been killed in the clashes, but Armenian officials have denied the allegations.

The importance of these areas for the Armenian inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh is mostly for the Katarovank Monastery on the heights of the Mount Dizapayt.
During the advance of the Azerbaijani forces in the south of Shusha and until the peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Nagorno Karabakh, these areas were still under the control of the Armenian forces and after the peace agreement the Armenian forces did not withdraw from these areas.

Katarovank Monastery on the heights of the Dizapayt Mountain

The situation of Katarovank Monastery and the surrounding areas, as well as some border points in Qobadli and Zangilan districts, is one of the ambiguous points of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace agreement, which was never mentioned in the text of the agreement, and this issue is now problematic.

Green hached: Areas under the control of Armenian forces and their final status is still unknown.

It is not yet clear what the situation in these areas will be and whether these areas will be returned to the Republic of Azerbaijan. There are also reports that Azerbaijan has threatened Armenian forces to withdraw from the mountainous areas north of Qaragul (in Rayun Zangilan); Otherwise, Azerbaijan will force them to retreat.

Areas from which Azerbaijan wants the withdrawal of Armenian forces.

On the other hand, in the latest map published by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, the villages of Hin Taglar and Khtsaberd and the surrounding areas are mentioned as areas that should remain in the possession of the Armenians. This is despite the fact that none of the previous maps of the Russian Ministry of Defense mentioned this issue. Therefore, it seems that there was an agreement between Russia and Azerbaijan behind the scenes to determine the fate of this region.

Areas mentioned by Russia in the latest published map


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