Iran Unveils New Underground Airbase “Eagle 44” + Video

Wednesday 8 February 2023 - 09:48

ISWNews Analysis Group – The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force has unveiled the underground Oghab (Eagle) 44 airbase in the presence of Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri and Commander-in-Chief of the Army Major General Seyyed Abdolrahim Mousavi ahead of the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

The vast underground airbase possesses facilities such as alert area, command post, fighter jet maintenance hangars, aircraft repairment and maintenance centers, navigation and airport equipment, fuel tanks, and so on. Moreover, the airbase has the capability to receive and make operational all types of fighter jets, bombers as well as all sorts of drones belonging to the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force. In accordance to a report by the Army’s public relations department, the underground airbase will also be capable of receiving the state-of-the-art Sukhoi 35 fighters.

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The fighter jets, which are stationed at the airbase, are equipped with electronic combat systems, bombs and long-range missiles named Yasin, Ghaem and Asef, enabling long-range operations and intensifying the range of striking far targets.

The Eagle 44 Airbase is one of numerous underground tactical airbases of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, which have been constructed in various areas of the Islamic country over the last years on the basis of the passive defense principles.

As a result of the construction of such airbases under the mountains, the military equipment stationed in the underground airbases are very unlikely to be vulnerable in any surprise strikes by the foes, and it would be unpredictable and hard for the enemies to distinguish the place and timing of arrangements for any surprise aerial operation by the Iranian forces.

Eagle 44 underground air base

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Army Brigadier General Mohammad Hossein Dadras, Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Amir Hatami and Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Air Force Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi took part in the inaugural ceremony as well.

Constructing military underground cities, including the missile cities of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), as well as the Airbase 313 and the Eagle 44 Airbase of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, is one of the major plans to develop the military might and protect the military equipment of the country’s armed forces over the past decades.

Read more:
IRGC missile city on the shores of the Persian Gulf
Iranian Army Unveils Underground “Strategic Drone Base 313” + Video

The construction of these airbases is of great significance in numerous ways, which are being mentioned briefly:

1- Abiding by the passive defense principles

2- The necessity of protecting military equipment in particular fighters and bombers

3- Thwarting and lowering the harms inflicted by potential strikes by the foes on the Iranian airbases, because defense systems and equipment will not be capable of completely repelling the enemies’ air strikes even though the defense systems are very advanced; so, that was proven in recent conflicts particularly in the Ukraine war.

4- Lowering the expenses of procuring equipment and training forces to install defense systems in airbases as well as relocating the existing defense equipment in other sensitive positions.

5- Concealing the data of air force equipment and facilitates, including the number and type of fighter jets, UAVs, defense systems and so on from being detected by the foes’ satellites.

Publicizing the construction of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force’s underground airbase at this point of time, when particular developments are happening in the region, is certainly conveying a message to the United States, Israel and their allies in the Azerbaijan Republic and the certain littoral Arab states of the Persian Gulf.

The ultra-regional enemies and the regional rivals of the Islamic Republic of Iran are attempting to attain the most advanced aerial and missile weaponries at expensive costs, so that in case of any potential confrontation with Iran, they can strike the military facilities belonging to the IRGC and the Army. Thus, the best method to defuse the hostile tactic of the foes as well as shield precious arms in particular the Army’s fighter jets from Tomcat and Phantom to Sukhoi 35 and MiG 29, is to construct and develop as numerous underground airbases as possible in different areas of Iran.

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