Deal of the Century ; the Obvious and Hidden Goals

Examination of the experience of US behavior in such situations can indicate two strategies: or adopting a completely hard and military and comprehensive approach, or being ready for a sudden rotation and roll back from the hard approach.
Finally after several times postponing the announcement of the Deal of the Century, in a quasi sectarian ceremony in the white house on Jan 28th, this plan was been announced. Although the presence of Bahrain, UAE and Oman ambassadors was predictable, but this issue was almost so different for Kuwait and Jordan, and this led to imposing the most pressure on this two countries by US.
Almost year and a half ago, the Kuwait ambassador in the US opposes with Jared Kushner and his plan, in response Kushner orders in an angry and imperious way that you should support this plan. But the issue is so vital for Jordan and has direct impact on its population and national security.
Malik Abdullah king of Jordan despite all of his cooperation with the US and the West, considers consenting to this plan as his political suicide and perhaps his own overthrow, and this led to his obvious opposition.
The lack of accompanying by Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian groups, will register this plan as a completely unilateral plan. And it’s natural that will have not any conclusion. But it should be asked that what is the goal of the success of this plan?!
Clearly, Trump’s rush in the official unveiling of this plan is due to the difficult conditions that he has inside the US, and he needs attracting the support of some influential groups. Also, in Israel’s usurper regime Netanyahu has similar situation, and he wants to get political benefits of the Deal of the Century.
But beyond these issues, there are two options for the US and Israel. First option is using the power tools for implementation of this plan, that due to Trump administration’s approach, is not unlikely. But in the opposite side may be unveiled some surprisings , by Palestinians. They have not any thing for losing.
When someone like Mahmoud Abbas does not accept this plan and recommends the resistance, the task of others is clear.
Another option is probably the main plan that there is beyond the Deal of the Century. Meaning, the Deal of the Century is a victim for main plan that will be mentioned perhaps with a bit degradation and from elsewhere.
But in the regional level, the advantage of Islamic resistance will be more obvious, again. Meanwhile, today the Identity confrontation has been located against Islamic nation in the most clear shape.
The assassination of Haj Qasem Soleimani and increasing the confrontation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and US just before this plan, as the most important background for its implementation, for any independent and noble Muslim force, indicates the real essence of the challenges between Islamic groups, in recent years:
Which one is really fighting Israel and the US, and which one is the barrier of Islamic Resistance in this way. The presence of Oman, Bahrain and the UAE ambassadors is another confirmation on this obvious bordering.
But at last, after the testimony of Haj Qasem Soleimani, the sequence of events are still advancing in a correct path and in favor of Islamic resistance, in a natural context. Perhaps none of these events would not happened except with testimony of Gen. Soleimani. And the process of US expansion in Islamic countries in the form of its army, now have been inverted and will be more different than before the testimony of Haj Qasem Soleimani.
Examination of the experience of US behavior in such situations can indicate two strategies: or adopting a completely hard and military and comprehensive approach, or being ready for a sudden rotation and roll back from the hard approach.
The signs of the first option prevail on the second, but the process of events after testimony of Haj Qasem Soleimani and Iran’s missile response and the events of Iraq and Afghanistan, is partially eliminating the necessary bases for the US hard approach.
If these events will continue and will emerge in other places such Palestine and Lebanon and perhaps Syria in other shape, US is forced to adopt second option that is a sudden rotation and rolling back. And which turning point is better than US upcoming election for this rotation?
In simpler terms, the US want to continue the way that has chosen, so speedy. Unless faces more serious and sometimes violent obstacles in its path. This part of the story depends on the behavior of the opposite side, that’s mean the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic resistance in the region.
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