“Deal of the Century” for Palestine!

Primary directors of deal of the century, i.e. Jared Kushner and Greenblatt, are very active these days, from west of Africa to west of Asia are guests of kings and leaders of Arabs every night to make them support the deal of the century which will start from Manama Summit in Bahrain regarding the economy.
It was stated before that it is a deal between money and investment on one side and security and land for Israel on the other side.
In a summit held recently in US that representatives of Arabic and European countries and USA and Israel were present, Mahmoud Abbas did not send anyone. Some of the economical plans discussed in this summit are as follows.
In total 26 short, medium and long term projects are planned to implement in Egypt, Jordan, Gaza and occupied Palestine.
Short term projects:
– Renovating energy transfer lines from Egypt to Gaza.
– Renovating fuel reservoirs of Gaza powerplant.
– Constructing small solar farms.
– Renovating Gaza electrical network.
– Constructing a water treatment facility in Gaza.
– Permanent Rafah passage for pedestrians.
– Rapid transit for patients and providing health infrastructure in Gaza.
– Import-export between Gaza, Israel and West Bank of Jordan River.
Medium term projects:
– Large solar farms in Gaza (protected zone).
– Building industrial parks (protected zone).
– High voltage electricity transfer from Israel.
– Providing natural gas for Gaza (G4G).
– 3G or 4G internet.
Important: In the annex, it is stated that the protected zone in Gaza is protected by a force which is supported from outside Palestine! The goal of it is obvious even now.
Long term projects:
– Transportation system for West Bank and Gaza.
– Exploiting Gaza coast for natural gas.
– Expanding Gaza powerplant.
– Large desalination facilities in Sinai desert of Egypt.
– Joint industrial park between Egypt-Israel-Gaza
– Establishing touristic area in north of Sinai desert.
– 5G connection for Gaza.
These are some of economical part of the deal. Meaning investments for Palestinians and Arabs to put an end on their struggle with Israel.
Other aspects such as Jordan, West Bank and solution to have “two government” will come later. The most important part should be said now; fate of holy Quds.
In this plan, holy Quds will be submitted to Israelis entirely! and capital of Palestine or self-government will be village Abu Dis. This village is adjacent to old Quds and 2 km away from Al Aqsa Mosque.
Western sources claim that this part was suggested by Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi crown prince! Which caused Mahmood Abbas and all Palestinians groups’ harsh reaction.
Read: A Prelude to the Role of Jordan in the “Deal of the Century” for Palestine