Report on “Operation Olive Branch”, January 21, 2018

After Turkish Army fails to occupy Bulbul village in northern Afrin, with changing tactics, the forces move around and occupy Korny and Bali Kuy villages laying in eastern Bulbul.
Turkish Army simultaneously occupy Hay Oghlu villages in northern Afrin.
Village of Adamanli in western Afrin is occupied by Turkey too.
Faylaq al-Sham forces during the occupation of Shengal village capture four YPG troops and at least execute one of them.
Oleg Blokhin reporter of Russian Anna-News in a call with president of Afrin hospital, reports that a seven years old child is killed and many civilians are wounded. According to this report 13 of them have unstable condition. He reports that Turkish fighters of Diyarbakir airbase fly 22 sorties at least over Afrin until the end of 20 January (Saturday).
Kurdish forces release a video showing a Turkish Leopard MBT in Rajo village; while in Turkish video it seems that the damage is not critical.
Turk CNN reports that Syrian Army helps transporting Kurdish troops from Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood in Aleppo to Afrin.
YPG forces claim that they kill four Turkish troops and at least ten Free Army troops in Rajo village.
Bashar Assad in a meeting with Dr. Kharazi, former Iran Foreign Minister, counts Operation Olive Branch a Turkish plan to support terrorism.
Arresting 11 protesters of the Operation in Kadikoy in Istanbul by Turkish Police.
Anadolu Agency claims that four missiles attack Kilis border city and two houses are damaged. Some images of mortar attack to Reyhanli city in Turkey are broadcasted.
Devlet Bahçeli head of ultranationalist Nationalist Movement Party, declares: “Afrin should be wiped out or all the terrorists should be burnt.”