Abusing children for propaganda, Repetitive technic of western media from Aleppo to Ghouta

Tuesday 6 March 2018 - 20:31

Dan Cohen, Russian RT channel’s reporter talks about western media’s abuse of children for their agenda of hiding the Truth about Syrian war in order to support armed terrorists next to the gates of.



In this video by showing flashbacks of liberating east of Aleppo, mentions the abuse of Bana Alabed a seven years old Syrian girl, the daughter of an opposition from Kataeb Safwah, whose mother twitted from her account to encourage Western countries to attack Aleppo!


The same media trick is still being used in Eastern Ghouta by exploiting children such as Noor, Ala and Muhammad Najem and Western mainstreams are covering them widely.


Max Rosenthal, an assignment editor of Washington Post, is sad to see the number of readership drops about Syria story. An image showing one-sided, linear, hypocritical and exaggerated story told by Western mainstream media about Syrian war.

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