Report: Iraqi forces recent operations against ISIS

Thursday 23 April 2020 - 08:48

ISWNews Analysis Group: Iraqi armed forces released a report about the recent security operations in the west and north of Iraq, for increasing the public awareness.

These operations that was done by all of security forces (including Army, Hashd Al Shaabi, anti-terrorism department and police) in the all of Iraqi provinces except the Kurdistan region from January 1 to April 15, has included 1060 operations.

The results of these operations include the following:
– 136 terrorists were killed.
– 506 artillery units were discovered.
– 637 booby-trapped sites were neutralized and destroyed.
– 7 vehicles and 18 others were seized.
– 279 valves and tunnels were destroyed.
– Destroying 7 boats and seizing 3 others.
– Destroying 6 motorcycles and seizing 15 others.
– Destroying 51 explosive belts and seizing 12 others.
– Destruction of 3883 explosive packs and seizing of 2206 others.
– Destroying 252 grenades and mortars and seizing of 409 others.
– Destroying 1081 mortars and seizing of 824 others.
– Destroying 262 rockets and seizing the 208 other aircraft.
– Seizing 128 weapons.

During these operations, 88 of security forces and 82 civilians were martyred and 174 soldiers and 120 civilians were injured.

In this report, Iraqi security forces emphasized on doing their tasks commitments in fighting against terrorism, law execution, security in cities and also preventive actions against spreading of the Coronavirus.

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