Who is Ahmed al-Audeh?

Ahmed al-Audeh, is the former commander of the militant groups and the current commander of the Syrian Army’s Fifth Corps in the south of Daraa province that after the events in recent weeks in south of Syria, his name has became more famous than ever.
Ahmed al-Audeh announced the formation of a new army in south of Syria in a funeral ceremony on June 23, following the killing of a number of the Fifth corps (former militants) members, by a roadside bomb.
He said: “Soon, Houran will have one body and one army. This is not just for the defense of Houran, but rather it will be the most powerful tool for defending Syria.”
These strange remarks are said in the situation while the Fifth Corps is a part of the Syrian Army, and the southern parts of Syria is completely under the control of the Syrian Army, and speaking about the formation of a new army can be considered as a rebellion.
But what is Ahmed al-Audeh military background?
Al-Audeh started his military activity as a Syrian opposition figure and lost three of his brothers during the years of fighting against the Syrian government. Although, he changed his stances against the militant groups several times and finally, joined to the Syrian army.
His most prominent stance changing was when he fired the Syrian Army forces from his hometown Busra al-Shaam town on Marcc 2015, as commander of Shabab Ahl al-Sunnah group Jibhat with help of al-Nusra and the al-Muthanna movement. But later he turned against Jibhat al-Nusrah and al-Muthanna and expelled them from the town.
Also, Ahmed al-Audeh was succeeded to strengthen and stabilize his position in south of Syria, by connecting with the “MOC” room. Military Operations Center “MOC” is a commanding headquarter in Amman, capital of Jordan, that was established in 2013 and 2014 by the US, France, Britain, Jordan and some of Persian Gulf states, such as the United Arab Emirates, for planning and managing the armed groups in Syria and specially in south of Syria.
In 2016, a coup took place among al-Audeh affiliated armed groups and his armaments and heavy weapons were controlled by his opponents and he escaped to outside of Basra al-Shaam. But with the support of the Southern Front militants, he returned and took the Basra al-Shaam under his control again.
His return had not so much stability and in 2017, a clash was started between the two main groups in the eastern region of Daraa, Shabab al-Sunnah and al-Yarmouk, that was leading by Bashar al-Za’bi and led to heavy casualties for the both sides.
After the Syrian army took the regions of al-Lajah and Busr al-Harir under its control and approached to Busr al-Shaam region during its large-scale operation for liberating the south of Syria in mid of 2018, the negotiations were started with Ahmed al-Audeh in Busra al-Shaam city and under supervision of Russian deligation; and finally, after the Syrian army entering to Busra al-Shaam, the peace agreement was reached with Ahmed al-Audeh.
According to the agreement, the Syrian army entered the southern cities and regions, and the armed groups accepted the government control on the southern regions of Syria.
Al-Audeh also surrendered his heavy weapons to the army and joined the Fifth Corps that is under supervision of Russia and the Syrian army command handed him the commanding of the Fifth Corps in the southern region.
It’s worth mentioning that Ahmed al-Audeh that has a degree in English literature, has always acted as a mediator between the oppositions and the Syrian army, after joining the Fifth Corps of the Syrian army; and in various times, when the tensions have been increased between Syrian army and compromise regions, he has entered and calm the situation down.
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