Latest Updates on Karabakh Clashes, 22 October 2020 (Map Update)

Thursday 22 October 2020 - 12:35

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the Azerbaijani forces advance in the south of Karabakh region, the Azerbaijani army managed to clear 23 new villages from the Armenian forces.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced that Azerbaijani forces took control of the villages of Gejegozlu, Ashagi Seyidahmadli and Zerger in the Fuzuli (rayon)district, Baland, Papi, Tulus, Hajili and Tinlii in the Jabrayil (rayon)district, Minjivan, Khurama, Khumarli, Saril, Babayli, Uchunju Agali, Hajalli, Girakh Muslan, Udgun, Turabad, Ichari Muslan, Melikli, Jahangirbeyli and Baharli in the Zengilan (rayon)district in the south of Karabakh region.

Regarding the above names, it is noteworthy that the declared villages in the Jabrail and Fuzuli areas were under the control of the Azerbaijani forces in previous operations.

Currently, Azerbaijani forces are advancing near the Iranian border along the Aras River towards the Armenian border. Yesterday, the residents of the border village of Ozan in Iran witnessed the bombardment of the positions of the Armenian forces in this axis.
Also, Azerbaijani forces have reached the south and east of the region (rayon) Qobadli and clashes continue around the village of Bala Soltanli.

Bombing of Armenian positions near the border village of Ozan by Azerbaijan

– Armenian artillery reportedly shelled the Tartar areas.

– According to the Azerbaijan Ministry of Defense, Armenia targeted the areas near the city of Qebeleh in the north of Azerbaijan with two ballistic missiles and the Kurdamir region in the center of the country with one ballistic missile.

– Azerbaijani artillery targeted the positions of Armenian forces in Martuni (Khojavand). Clashes continue around Martuni between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces.

– The Turkish Vice President stated that If Azerbaijan wants military assistance, we are ready to send the Turkish army. He added “Russia has not been able to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and will not be able to do so without Ankara.
The remarks of the Turkish Vice President come at a time when the Turkish army, especially the Turkish Air Force (mostly in the form of drone units), is fully supporting the Azerbaijani army in the Nagorno-Karabakh war.

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