Ansar Allah shoots down the fifth ScanEagle drone in Yemen

ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah air defense shot down a US-made Scan Eagle drone belonging to Saudi coalition in the southern sky of Marib province.
According to the spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General al-Sari’, a Saudi coalition ScanEagle drone was shot down on the morning of November 9 by Ansar Allah air defense in the skies of al-Jubah district in the southern province of Marib.
This is the fifth US Scan Eagle drone to be shot down by Ansar Allah in Yemen. The first US Scan Eagle drone was shot down on June 19, 2021, the second on June 21, 2021 at the al-Mashjah heights in western Marib province, the third on August 14, 2021 in Marib province and the fourth on September 27 in the skies of the Madghal district in the western part of Marib province.
Scan Eagle is a spy drone equipped with an electro-optical and infrared camera that does not require a runway to fly. The drone can fly for more than 20 hours, which allows for reconnaissance operations.
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Infographic: Saudi Coalition and US Aircraft Losses in Yemen
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