US drone strike south of Idlib + Images

Saturday 4 December 2021 - 10:45

ISWNews Analysis Group: One person was killed and five others were wounded in a US drone strike south of Idlib.

On December 3, an American MQ-9 drone targeted a motorcycle on the Ariha-Mustumah road with three missiles, killing the rider. The person killed is said to have been a field commander of Hurras al-Din militants.
Simultaneously with the attack, a “Santa Fe” car was traveling on the road, severely damaged by the explosions. Five civilians, including three women and a child, were injured in the attack.

It should be noted that on November 7, an American drone using a Hellfire R9X missile known as Ninja missiles attacked a vehicle in the city of Jarabalus in Aleppo province, during which a person named “Abu Abdo Al-Hamwi” one of the alleged former ISIS commanders was killed and another was seriously injured.

The US terrorist command in the Middle East (CENTCOM) claimed responsibility for the attack, saying a senior al-Qaeda leader in southern Idlib had been killed by a drone strike.

Read more on the topic:
US killed another militant by Ninja missile in Syria!
Killing two terrorists with ninja missiles!
Al-Qaeda prominent leader killed in Syria’s Idlib

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