Latest Updates on Yemen, 15 December 2021

Thursday 16 December 2021 - 10:06

ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah and popular committees captured the al-Batr, al-Akad and al-Naqa’h areas in the Marib’s Wadi district from the control of the Saudi-led forces.

1- Marib:
– Clashes between Ansar Allah and the Saudi-led forces continued in the al-Balaq al-Sharqi and al-Balaq al-Gharbi heights.
– Ansar Allah has succeeded in liberating the al-Batr, al-Akad and al-Naqa’h areas in the Wadi district.

2- Air strikes by Saudi coalition warplanes:
In the last 48 hours, Saudi coalition warplanes have bombed Ansar Allah controlled-areas 68 times.
These attacks include:
29 times Wadi district, 5 times al-Jubah district and 3 times Sarwah district in Marib province,
12 times Muqabanah district in Taiz province,
4 times Khab and al-Shaaf district in al-Jawf province,
2 times Bani Harith district 2 times And 2 times Mo’ein district and 2 times al-Sab’ein district in Sana’a province,
3 times Haradh district and 3 times Midi district in Hajjah province,
3 times al-Tuhayta district in al-Hudaydah province.

3- Al-Hudaydah:
– The Saudi-led forces have violated the ceasefire 415 times in the past 48 hours.
– Two people were martyred and three others were wounded by a landmine explosion planted by Saudi-led forces east of al-Tuhayta.
– Two children were martyred and three others were wounded by an airstrike by Saudi coalition warplanes on the village of al-Marir, east of Hays.

4- Taiz:
Two people were martyred, including a child and several others were wounded as a result of an airstrike by Saudi coalition warplanes on the district of Muqbanah in Taiz province.

5- In the past 48 hours, the Saudi coalition has claimed the destruction of one missile over the skies of Khamis Mushait and four suicide drones over the skies of Yemen.

Read more:
Latest Military Situation of Marib, 13 December 2021 (Map Update)

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