Al-Qaeda fights alongside Saudi coalition in Marib battles

Saturday 18 December 2021 - 13:46

ISWNews Analysis Group: The al-Qaeda terrorist group has confirmed that two of its members were killed by Ansar Allah in the battles of Marib.

According to an statement published by an al-Qaeda-linked media, two Yemeni members of the group, Rawaha al-Qifi and Islam al-Taizi were killed by Ansar Allah in the south of the city of Marib. In the statement, al-Qaeda stressed the need to continue the fight against Ansar Allah alongside the Saudi coalition and Mansour Hadi’s forces.

It should be noted that on October 11, an al-Qaeda commander named “Yasir al-Omari” AKA Abu Tariq was also killed in the battles of the south of Marib against Ansar Allah. Al-Qaeda had confirmed in a statement that al-Omari had been killed in Marib.

The strong presence of al-Qaeda and ISIS elements in the west and south Marib battles against Ansar Allah is further evidence of the Saudi coalition’s deep support for terrorist organizations in the West Asian region.

Read more on the topic:
Al-Qaeda terrorist group launches operations against Ansar Allah in Yemen
Ansar Allah attacks al-Qaeda positions in Marib city

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